Step 1 of 3 33% Step 1/3CONTACT INFORMATIONNAMEFirst Name* Last Name* Company ADDRESSCivic No.* Street* City* postal code / zip* Province / State* Country* Email TelephoneMobileCOURSE SELECTIONPlease choose the following course(s) you would like to register for : Winter 2025 IMP - Intensive Mat-Plus - Sorry! This class is FULL Winter 2025IR - Intensive Reformer - Sorry! This class is FULL Winter 2025 - Virtual - ANA - Anatomy - Sorry! This class is FULL Spring 2025 ICAD - Intensive Cadillac - 25 hours - MARCH 19, 20, 24, 25 & 26, 2025 12:30 pm to 6:30 pmat Connexion Pilates in Chomedey Spring 2025 AR - Advanced Reformer - 18 hours - (one weekend) MARCH 28, 29 & 30, 2024 Friday 2 pm to 9 pm Saturday 1 pm to 8 pm Sunday 10 am to 5 pm at Connexion Pilates Rosemère Spring 2025 ISP - Injuries & Special Populations - 24 hours - APRIL 5, 6, 12 & 13, 2025 Saturday 12 pm to 6:30 pm Sunday 10 am to 4:30 pmat Connexion Pilates in Chomedey Spring 2025 Reformer Exam Prep Workshop - 3 hours - APRIL 6, 2025 Sunday 10 am to 1 pmat Connexion Pilates Rosemere Spring 2025 IBRL - Intensive Barrels - 10 hours - APRIL 23 & 24, 2025 1 pm to 6:30 pmat Connexion Pilates in Chomedey Spring 2025 - Sorry! This class is FULL IMP - Intensive Mat-Plus - 40 hours -(4 Weekends) APRIL 26, 27, MAY 3, 4, 9, 10, 23 & 24, 2025 Friday 3 pm to 8:30 pm Saturday 10 am to 3:30 pm Sunday 10 am to 3:30 pmat Connexion Pilates in Rosemère Spring 2025 - Sorry! This class is FULL IR - Intensive Reformer - 50 hours -(Weekdays) APRIL 28, 30, MAY 5, 7, 12, 14, 21, 22, 26, 28, JUNE 2, 3 & 4, 20251pm to 5 pm, except for June 3 & 4 - 1pm to 4 pmat Connexion Pilates in Rosemère Spring 2025 Virtual - ANA - Anatomy - 30 hours - MAY 6, 8, 13, 15, 20, 22, 27, 29, JUNE 3 & 5, 2025Tuesdays & Thursdays 6 pm to 9 pm by videoconference Spring 2025 AM - Advanced Mat - 6 hours - (one day) MAY 25, 202510 am to 5 pmat Connexion Pilates Rosemère Spring 2025 ICHR - Intensive Stability Chair - 15 hours -(ONE WEEKEND)JUNE 13, 14 & 15, 2025Friday 3 pm to 8:30 pm Saturday 10 am to 3:30 pm Sunday 10 am to 3:30 pmat Connexion Pilates in Rosemère Fall 2025 - Pre-registrationVirtual - ANA - Anatomy - 30 hours - (dates tbd) Tuesdays & Thursdays 6 pm to 9 pm by videoconference Fall 2025 - Pre-registration IMP - Intensive Mat-Plus - 40 hours -(Weekdays) (dates tbd) at Connexion Pilates in Rosemère Fall 2025 - Pre-registrationIMP - Intensive Mat-Plus - 40 hours -(Weekends) (dates tbd) at Connexion Pilates in Rosemère Fall 2025 - Pre-registrationIR - Intensive Reformer - 50 hours -(Weekdays) (dates tbd) at Connexion Pilates in Rosemère Fall 2025 - Pre-registrationIR - Intensive Reformer - 50 hours -(Weekends) (dates tbd) at Connexion Pilates in Rosemère Fall 2025 - Pre-registrationAM - Advanced Mat - 6 hours - (one weekend) (dates tbd) at Connexion Pilates Rosemère Fall 2025 - Pre-registrationAR - Advanced Reformer - 18 hours - (one weekend) (dates tbd) at Connexion Pilates Rosemère Fall 2025 - Pre-registration ICHR - Intensive Stability Chair - 15 hours - (dates tbd at Connexion Pilates in Rosemère PAYMENTOnce your application has been reviewed, and approved, we will contact you with payment procedure. Step 2/3Your backgroundRELEVANT EDUCATIONPlease list related degrees, diplomas, post-secondary or certificate courses and workshops:*Describe previous anatomy education:*(Include the number of hours, when and where you studied and what topics were covered) or if you have no anatomy education, please write ''no anatomy education''.List related certification (Please specify: eg. ACE, AFAA):*RELEVANT EXPERIENCEOutline your teaching experience (describe subject taught/years teaching):*Describe your personal experience in fitness and other body work:*(please include dates and timeframes)Outline your personal Pilates training experience:*(number of hours, when and where, STOTT PILATES or other method, also if you trained on a mat or apparatus)Number of hours spent on your personal Pilates training* None 1-10 hrs 10-20 hrs 25 hres + We usually require at least 25 hours of personal Pilates exercising.PERSONAL INFORMATIONDo you have any injuries (including current or recent pregnancy) or postural issues?*Failure to disclose any injuries, conditions, or postural issues prior to enrolment may result in your removal from the course, or the modification of course repertoire to accommodate your participation.Your Initials (Pre-Course)* When was your last physical examination?* MM slash DD slash YYYY Are you considered to be in good health and able to undertake this training?*YesNoWhat is your date of birth?* MM slash DD slash YYYY Emergency Contact* First Name Last Name Emergency contact phone number*How did you hear about Connexion Pilates and its education programs? Step 3/3STOTT PILATES® Course Objectives & ExpectationsThank you for your interest in STOTT PILATES® Education. Please review the course objectives and expectations outlined below. Please put your initials below to each objective.Prerequisites Most STOTT PILATES training courses have a requirement of prior knowledge for acceptance. Prerequisites are slightly different for each course. Please visit for a complete list. The prerequisites for the Intensive Matwork—IMP and Intensive Reformer—IR courses are: • working knowledge of functional anatomy • minimum 25 hours Pilates classes/workouts Your Initials (Prerequisites)* Pre-Course The STOTT PILATES training programs provide a balanced and thorough blend of theory, observation and practical experience to help master the repertoire. It is highly recommended that students begin reviewing the required course materials (Videos, manuals, etc) prior to the start of the course, if they are available for purchase in advance. Course Objectives In each course, students will learn: • how to apply STOTT PILATES biomechanical principles of core stability, breathing and alignment to all exercises • a complete breakdown of each exercise • exercise goals, muscular initiation and movement sequencing • variations to increase or decrease exercise intensity • modifications for specific body types and postural issues • how to recognize optimal and less than optimal movement patterns • a variety of programming options to keep clients motivated • effective communication, verbal cues and imagery for performance enhancement and client motivation Your Initials (Course Objectives)* During Course Students are required to attend and participate at all times during all course hours. It is essential that students adhere to the course times, including designated breaks during the course. Participants must be injury-free and are required to physically perform the exercises taught in class. Any injuries acquired during the course that impede physical participation will not exempt the individual from completing all required hours. Any hours missed need to be completed privately at an hourly rate with an Instructor Trainer and/or made up during the next scheduled course where space allows. For every hour that is missed, a half hour session must be scheduled and completed. Should more than 5 hours be missed each additional hour must be made up with an equivalent one hour session. Students have six months after the completion of the course to make up any hours missed. If this time is exceeded, the course, including all fees, is forfeited and the entire course must be retaken in order to examine and certify. In addition to physical participation, students are required to take part in supervised teaching. Students are expected to review material covered before and after each session and be prepared to practice teach in class when requested.Your Initials (During the Course)* Post-Course At the conclusion of each course, students receive a letter of completion stating that they have fulfilled the training requirements and are pending certification and continuing education credits, if applicable. Participants who do not attend and/or participate during any and all course hours will not receive a letter of completion until the hours/objectives are met. A minimum number of hours of observation, practice teaching and physical review are required for all courses, (except Rehab). Practice teaching and physical review hours must be logged outside of class time and submitted at the time of the practical exam. Log sheets can be found in the Support Materials Manual. Additional training may be required to prepare for certification, as indicated by an Instructor Trainer. Practice teaching hours can be fulfilled by instructing family members, fellow students, friends or clients. Physical review means physically performing the exercises learned in class. Taking a class with a STOTT PILATES Certified Instructor or working out with a DVD can qualify as physical review hours, and can be completed individually or with other students. Observation involves watching sessions taught by a STOTT PILATES Certified Instructor or relevant MH&F videos. For specific hours pertaining to each course please visit and click on the specific course (i.e. IMP, IR)Your Initials (Post-Course)* Certification & Examinations STOTT PILATES certification is awarded upon successful completion of a course plus a written and practical exam. Certification shows clients and employers that an individual is a well-qualified professional. Exam material is cumulative so students can certify in stages by taking an exam after each course or after a series of courses, e.g. students certified in Matwork must take a combined Matwork and Reformer exam should they wish to certify in Reformer. This also applies to students certified in Reformer who wish to move on to CCB (Cadillac, Chair & Barrels) certification. Please note that exams must be taken within six months of the last course completed and that there is a fee associated with each exam. Successful completion of Matwork; Reformer; Cadillac, Chair & Barrels; Advanced Repertoire; ISP courses and exams are required for full certification. Please review the additional links below for more information on Certification and Examinations: Certification: Continuing Education Program: Initials (Certification & Examinations)* STOTT PILATES OBJECTIVES & EXPECTATIONS* I HAVE READ AND ACKNOWLEDGED THE STOTT PILATES COURSE OBJECTIVES & EXPECTATIONS Your Signature* Please type your full nameNameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Further questions? Contact us: T- 450.508.3601 E-